

This section of our website is a place where visitors of the website can receive interesting information about the company and express their opinions and thoughts themselves. It consists of four separate sub-sections. The Forums let them discuss various topics, closely or remotely related to the company's activities. In Blogs, they can read blogs of our employees and comment on the thoughts and ideas expressed in them. The Events sub-section lets them know about events that our company organizes, while registration for the events is possible here as well. Finally, the Wiki is a place where valuable information is provided to website visitors, being a great source of information on various topics.

Latest Blog Posts

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Blog post

Remote Management

In this blog post, I will share some remarks regarding communication between our former New York Office and the newly setup London Office.

03. 23. 2014
2 comment(s)
Expanding to Europe

In this blog post, I will try to share some of my impressions of the recent expansion of our operations to the Old Continent.

03. 21. 2014
2 comment(s)

Latest Wiki Articles

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Kentico Information Sources

Below, you can find links to various information sources where you can get up-to-date information about Kentico. Web sites Kentico Web Site DevNet Porta...

Latest Events

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Open Day

We invite you to visit our New York Office on the Open Day we will be holding this year.

23. 6. 2014
New York Office
Partners Training

Two-day training for our Silver and Gold partners, aimed at expanding their awareness of our products and services range and the key factors required for successful partnership.

22. 7. 2014, 9:30 - 16:00
New York Office

Latest Forum Posts

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Forum post

RE:Web development - London Office

Hi,be sure of that! In fact, we've already given you company contacts to some of our business partners who are planning to have a brand new website developed and are currently choosing the right co...

Susanne Paige
06. 21. 2011
RE:Web development - London Office

Hi Susanne, we are pleased by your kind words and promise that we will do our best for you to be nothing but a totally satisfied customer. And please, if you could spread the word about the service...

06. 21. 2011
Web development - London Office

Hi, I am a representative of one of your first customers in London. We are currently having our company website re-designed and updated by your London Office team and only praise can be said to the...

Susanne Paige
06. 21. 2011